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Kuala Lumpur (Second Edition), 20 oz.

29 Aug

Kuala Lumpur Starbucks City Mug
Pictured: Petronas Towers

Fellow collector Jason sent me “the mug that got away.” This mug was released in Kuala Lumpur in 2007 when I visited the city, but I didn’t find a single one of them in any of the stores. Thankfully, there’s Jason to save the day.

Malaysia, 20 oz.

18 Apr

Malaysia Starbucks City Mug
Pictured: Wau Bulan (Moon Kite)

Sabah, 20 oz.

18 Apr

Sabah Starbucks City Mug
Pictured: Orangutan

Since Lilian had already gotten me a KL mug, I went to the Starbucks inside KLCC Suria Mall just to see if they had other mugs. By golly, they did! They had Sabah and Malaysia mugs!

After checking my e-mail at an internet shop, I also checked out my favorite Starbucks City Mugs page to see if I was missing any other mugs from Malaysia. Mike wrote that there was another KL mug on the loose. After checking every single Starbucks that I passed by in Bukit Bintang (and there were quite a few of them!), I didn’t find a KL mug that was different from the one that I already had. Confused, I passed it off as mistaken identity on Mike’s part.

I would later find out that the KL #2 mug did exist. It is the one with the Petronas Towers. Eek! I need to go back to Malaysia! Or find a very nice Malaysian friend. HeHe!

Kuala Lumpur (First Edition), 20 oz.

26 Jul

Kuala Lumpur Starbucks City Mug
Pictured: Kuala Lumpur Tower and Downtown Buildings

Co-worker Lilian had to go to Kuala Lumpur to get her business visa for Bosnia. I asked her to get me a KL mug with the promise that I’d pay her back. Being the wonderful woman that she is, Lilian came back with a mug for me. And this mug had gone all the way to Bosnia, too!